AVLUX Hosting :: Rails, Wordpress, Redmine
Complete Project Management with Redmine AVLUX Hosting :: Rails, Wordpress, Redmine  

Redmine Hosting to manage all your projects

  • Latest Redmine version with free setup and support
  • SCM Integration with Subversion (repositories included)
  • Redmine upgrades on request
  • Plugins installed on request
  • Fast and redundant network, 24/7 Monitoring
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee
  • 30 day money back guarantee

Redmine is the full-featured Rails-based project-management web application which is straightforward and simple. With one instance you can manage unlimited projects. Redmine includes flexible role-based access control, issue tracking, time tracking, Gantt charts, calendar, news, documents & files management, feeds & email notifications, wiki and forum for each project, custom fields, SCM integration (git, subversion) and more. Click here for a full list of features.

  • 1. Enter your Domain name:
  • 2. Select a plan: H-Copper H-Bronze H-Silver H-Gold H-Platinum  or Starter Plan*
  • 3.

*Starter plan is a simple entry-level plan with 250mb disk for $9.00 monthly (SCM integration not included.)

Redmine Plan Features H-Copper H-Bronze H-Silver H-Gold H-Platinum
 Price Per Month $19.00 $23.00 $27.00 $31.00 $35.00
 Disk Space 2 gb 4 gb 6 gb 8 gb 10 gb
 Bandwidth Per Month 20 gb 40 gb 60 gb 80 gb 100 gb
 Free 24 hour Setup avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 30 Day Money Back Guarantee avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 Ruby, any version avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 Rails, any version avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 Redmine, any version avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 GitGit avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 SubversionSubversion avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 ApacheApache avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 PassengerPassenger avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 MysqlMySQL avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 PostgresqlPostgreSQL avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux

Domain Support H-Copper H-Bronze H-Silver H-Gold H-Platinum
 Sub-Domains Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
 Email Addresses Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
 Daily Backups avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 Hourly Database Backups avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 SSL/TLS Certificates avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 Password Protected Directories avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 WebalizerWebalizer avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 Help Desk avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 Domain Parking and Pointing Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Server Features H-Copper H-Bronze H-Silver H-Gold H-Platinum
 99.9+% Uptime avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 on demand burstable CPUs avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 current kernel avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 current security patches avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux
 Real-time Monitoring avlux avlux avlux avlux avlux